Vision & Value, unplanned pregnancy, FirstPlace Options


Experience peace in place of shame

An unplanned pregnancy, whether today or days, weeks, months, or even years in the past, may stir up feelings of fear, regret, and hopelessness. 

We believe that these painful emotions can be overcome with an outpouring of love and practical, ongoing support. At FirstPlace Options, it is our vision that people in distress experience peace in place of shame. We celebrate the courage of each and every individual who seeks our help, and we are motivated to continue our important work until we live in a world where all feelings of fear and shame are met with grace.

Waiting on the other side of the darkness is hope, self-worth, confidence, and peace. We take great pride in supporting women, men, and families because we believe everyone deserves access to a hopeful path.

Included in our vision of a brighter future are students who live happy, healthy, and peaceful lives. Our ability to form healthy relationships and make good decisions directly affects our sense of peace and well-being. It is our desire that the youth in our community develop the skills and mindset needed to build self-esteem, avoid potential dangers, and make healthy decisions regarding sex and relationships. From school age to old age, we aim to impart peace.



Listen, inform, love

When we reduce the fear, and shame, or stress that people carry, life for everyone gets better. Our mission is to listen, inform, and love like people’s lives depend on it. With every conversation, we demonstrate our commitment to delivering hope to members of our community.


The bravery displayed by a vulnerable person is something we will never take for granted. To be open, honest, and willing to accept support takes trust, and we do all that we can to build it.

Our Listening Centre is a safe haven for all people dealing with a present or past pregnancy. It is a place for feelings, concerns, and fears to be shared without fear of judgment and or ridicule. It is a place where people find hope, explore healthy relationships, and plan for their future. We understand and appreciate that each client's situation is personal and unique. To that end, we are happy to provide a safe and empathetic space where people can share the most delicate matters of their heart in confidence.


When dealing with matters as important and sensitive as an unplanned pregnancy or abortion, there is no such thing as a blanket solution. We are successful in our support of our community because we listen to each story, consider individual needs, respect personal beliefs, and present people with tools that can put them back in a position of control. Our counselling environment builds courage and fosters self-worth. Our goal is not to persuade or insist, but to provide people with information so they can be empowered to make decisions for themselves. By doing so, we help to dissolve the fear and shame that stands in the way of a peaceful future.

Our passion to educate our community extends to the next generation. We strive to listen carefully to our youth, provide them with helpful information, and answer their questions without reservation. It is our hope that they make the healthiest relationship decisions possible, and choose for themselves the path that will bring them the most joy.


At First Place Options, our willingness to love our neighbour does not come with conditions or exceptions. This means that we accept people wherever they happen to be in their journey. It is our mission to be a beacon of light and a hand to hold for those whose paths are dim with uncertainty.

Love for all people is at the core of what we stand for. It is the reason we dedicate our time and resources in support of our community. It is the reason we go to great lengths to provide options to those seeking them, and it is the reason we refuse to withdraw our support in light of any hard decision. Whether a woman or a couple chooses adoption, abortion, or parenthood, we remain lovingly committed to them during their journey.



Thrive Ottawa

At First Place Options, we are proudly committed to providing students, grades 7 through 12, with education in matters of love, sex, and relationships.

The challenges that impressionable youth are facing today are staggering. Between peer pressure, the influence of the media, and rapidly declining mental health, perceptions of self-worth have been largely eroded. This, in part, has led to an increase in risky sexual behaviour and a laxness in matters of personal health.

With the support of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and the Ottawa Catholic School Board, we have the privilege to take on a preventative approach to harmful decision making, including those that lead to unplanned pregnancy. We see teens as valued members of our community, we love them, and we will never minimize or ignore their plight. By designing a program that is fun, interactive, and informative, we are doing our part to equip the next generation with the tools they need to thrive.