Donating to First Place Options couldn’t be easier! Whether donating by credit card or by bank debit, one-time or monthly, you can do it all by clicking the DONATE NOW link below.
Choosing a preauthorized monthly gift will provide a consistent and much-needed source of support for us to better serve our community.
Write a cheque payable to First Place Options and mail to:
202-1600 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, ON K2G 5J8
Making an estate gift in your will is a wonderful way to leave a meaningful legacy. Please call 613-228-7475 or email for more details on how to leave First Place Options a gift in your will, or through an estate.
Giving appreciated securities can provide added tax relief by completely eliminating the associated capital gains taxes on the sale of these assets.
Normally, 50% of the capital gain must be treated as taxable income. However, if publicly traded shares are donated through a public foundation, then none of the capital gain will be treated as taxable income.
With the tax on the capital gains in publicly traded securities eliminated, you will be entitled a donation receipt equal to the full fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift. For details call 613-228-7475 or email
You can easily designate your giving to First Place Options through the United Way if your employer has a plan set up.
Speak to your HR department about donating through Payroll.
Or click on the United Way logo and fill in the information below on to your United Way Donation Form and mail to United Way:
As a non-profit organization, we rely solely on donations to provide these vital, free services to our community. Won’t you partner with us?