Pregnancy and Parenting Support, raise a baby,First Place Options


The thought of parenting can be overwhelming. Where do you start? We can provide you with emotional and practical support and connect you to community organizations and resources.

The thought of becoming a parent can be overwhelming at any time, but especially if the news of your pregnancy is unexpected. Caring for a child is a big responsibility. But often, parents say raising a child is one of the most rewarding experiences in their life.

We understand that you may have a number of genuine concerns about parenting, and find yourself asking a lot of questions like:


  • How can I raise a baby?
  • How can I get by financially?
  • What about school and work
  • Where will I live?
  • Are there services in Ottawa to help me?
  • What medical appointments need to be scheduled?
  • What about the child’s father, my parents, my friends?
  • I don’t feel able to parent, how can I contact a couple who is wanting to adopt a child?


What Is Parenting Support Counselling?

Parenting support counselling at First Place Options encompasses both emotional and practical support. The journey of both pregnancy and parenting can bring different challenges, which can impact you mentally and emotionally. This journey can be especially challenging for single parents who have minimal external supports.

First Place Options’ counsellors provide clients with a space to be listened to, heard and encouraged as they share the challenges that they are going through. First Place Options also offers our clients practical support in the way of material supplies, such as: diapers, baby clothes and wipes, for the first year of your child’s life. And through assisting you in finding helpful resources within your community, to support you in your decision to parent.

You don’t have to walk this road alone. We are committed to providing you with care and emotional support, regardless of your choice. Our space is safe and confidential. Reach out to book an appointment today.


How To Plan For Being a Parent

There are many different styles of parenting and it will take you some time to figure out what your style is, as you adjust to the role of being a parent. However, as you prepare to become a parent here are some tips that may help with the transition:


Accept Help / Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Friends and family are often eager and willing to help. Don’t be afraid to take someone up on their offer if they ask to cook you a meal, or to hesitate in sharing what would be helpful for you if someone asks how they can help. Some family and friends will openly offer to help, while others may need to be asked. Don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones to help you wash the dishes or fold some laundry while they sit and visit, or while you take a moment to shower.


Have realistic expectations

When the baby comes, things will look different. You will likely not have the capacity to do everything like you did before and that is ok. Your house may be messier, laundry may take longer to fold, you may need to change your routine as you adjust to a newborn’s schedule, your time with friends may look different, etc. Try to have grace for yourself and remain flexible as you step into this new stage of life.


Ask Questions

Parenting is new for all parents at one point or another. You are not expected to be an expert or have everything figured out. It is often helpful to ask friends and family what they did in different circumstances with their baby. Even if you decide to do something different from what your family or friends did, it can be helpful knowing that others have gone through the same challenges as you. It is also helpful to sift through all the advice that people may give you or that you may find on social media. Pick what you think will work for you or what you want to try and discard the rest. You will find your own style of parenting and it may look different from your family and friends’ style of parenting, and that is ok. 


Slow down and enjoy the moment

In the midst of the sleepless nights or any challenges that you are facing, try to take moments in your day to slow down and enjoy the moment. Let the dishes sit in the sink for the evening so that you can enjoy snuggles with your newborn instead. The transition into parenthood although it can be challenging, really goes by so quickly. So, try to soak in as many of those special moments as you can. The most important gift you can give to your baby is loving attunement or attention that helps you to develop a deepening relationship with your baby.


Find supports

Finding community resources and supports such as mom’s groups, baby café’s and kids’ drop-in programs can be really valuable to new parents. These supports can provide you with: an opportunity to meet other parents at the same life-stage as you, information and tools that can equip you as a parent and provide a place where you can go weekly to get out of the house and let your child interact with other kids their age. Your First Place Options counsellor can help provide you with different parenting resources available in your community.


Believe in Yourself and Forgive Yourself

Remember that you can do this, you are the best parent for your child. Nobody is perfect, you will make mistakes. Try not to compare yourself to others, and try to have grace for yourself and forgive yourself when you make mistakes.


Parenting Alone

When you are parenting alone, sometimes it feels like all you are doing is surviving. The lack of sleep and lack of time to pay attention to your own needs can be very exhausting and draining. Consider what supports may be available to you and take advantage of those supports.

Try and let go of any unrealistic expectations and the guilt you may have when you experience the challenges and even frustrations of early parenting. At times you may feel overwhelmed. Try and remember that this stage of parenting is only for a season and will not last forever. Treasure and focus on the moments when you are able to enjoy your baby. Consider receiving support from a First Place Options parenting support counsellor.


Common Questions About Parenting

Being a parent brings with it a vast number of new experiences, which can result in an endless stream of questions that you may have. Such as: should I bottle feed or nurse, how do you handle teething, when do you start solids, how do I get my baby to sleep through the night, when should I wean, and so much more. 

In the midst of these questions, it is really helpful to have someone that you can talk to. The counsellors at First Place Options have experience and knowledge to answer many of the questions that you may have. They can also provide a safe place for you to express  the struggles that you are facing, which you may not feel that you can share anywhere else.


Services for Struggling Parents

Depending on your needs and where you are located there are difference services that offer free and subsidized supports that can help you in your parenting journey. These supports include: food banks, community drop-in kids’ programs, housing support, community resource centres, services that assist with baby clothes and diapers, daycare support and more. Your counsellor at First Place Options will be able to refer you to the appropriate resources that are applicable to you, your situation and where you live.